HELLSING, written and illustrated by Kohta Hirano, is a seinen, supernatural thriller. It tells the story of Alucard, a gunslinging vampire who slays supernatural threats on behalf of the Hellsing Organization. When a ghoulish incident forces him to turn an innocent woman into a vampire, he must train his new protégé while battling the most demonic enemy of all: Nazis.
We currently have Volumes 1-10 of this manga (10 total).
HELLSING and Vampire Doll: Guilt-Na-Zan both feature blood-sucking vampires that are vulnerable in the sunlight. While Bram Stoker's Dracula wasn't the first book to feature vampires, it was key to popularizing them throughout the world. Whether vicious like Alucard or ineffectual like Guilt-na-Zan, both owe a debt to the Impaler himself.
HELLSING and Vampire Doll Guilt-Na-Zan both borrow from thousands of years of vampiric lore, mythology, and culture. In this ebook, Nick Groom unearths that bloody history, from its origins in death and disease, to its immortal place in popular culture today. Truly, it is a story to die for.
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HELLSING's antagonists include the fiends known as Millennium, an organization of Nazis determined to use supernatural might to start another war. Though the events of the story are fictional, they are inspired by Nazi experiments that actually took place. In this ebook, Eric Kurlander dives into this strange, little-known facet of Nazi history.
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HELLSING's opening theme, "Logos Naki World" (or "The World Without Logos"), was performed by the Japanese musician Yasushi Ishii. Its visuals depict Alucard's campaign against a horde of mortal men made monsters, symbolized by his dog-like familiar Baskerville wandering through a fog-filled street, holding a cross in its teeth.
HELLSING ended up getting two different anime adaptations, the original 2001 series and an OVA series called HELLSING ULTIMATE. In this video, anime and manga reviewer Bonsai Pop explains the events of HELLSING ULTIMATE, while sharing a few of the gruesome reasons why he enjoys the series so much.
HELLSING and Vampire Doll: Guilt-Na-Zan both feature vampires in leading roles. However, the concept of a vampire in Japanese media is a lot broader than you might expect. In this video, YouTube anime and pop-culture reviewer Mother's Basement explores a few kinds of vampire anime content that exist, from the "fighty" to the "freaky", and everything in between.
HELLSING's story contains a wide variety of "tropes" (or "common story elements"), from Black-and-Gray Morality to Emergency Transformation. TvTropes is a wiki dedicated to cataloging these tropes, providing notable examples from all kinds of media. It allows readers to browse these tropes by franchise and even find notable subversions where appropriate.
HELLSING has been terrifying its captive audience ever since 1997. When researching the series for the first time, Wikipedia can make for a good, quick overview, while offering links and citations to other sources. When using it for academia purposes, however, be careful to examine the sources to make sure that any information is relevant and accurate.
HELLSING is a series full of violence, terror, and intrigue-- perfect for the Halloween season. In this newspaper article from the Al Bawaba, the writers express their love for the strange and the macabre, highlighting HELLSING ULTIMATE alongside five other eerie anime. It's a great place to start if you're looking for some frights.
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