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E. Allen Gordon Library

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What is Interlibrary Loan and how do I use it?

Occasionally, you may need materials that cannot be retrieved through ARKLink.  In this case, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is an option. 

ILL is an excellent option if you're looking for a single article or essay we do not have through any Gordon Library database.  Often, lending libraries will scan and email these items to us.  Thus, there is nothing to return.

When using ILL, the Gordon Library must serve as a "middle man."  Here's how the process works:

Step One:  When you fill out the ILL Request form, it will go to the Gordon Library Director (Mr. Lillard). 

Step Two:  Mr. Lillard will put out a request for your desired materials to multiple libraries.

Step Three:  Assuming a library is willing to lend their material, they will mail (or email) it directly to Gordon Library.

Step Four:  We will contact you through your UACCM email to

  • let you know your requested material has arrived and is available for pickup in Gordon Library (in the case of physical material), or
  • to forward scanned pdf articles or essays directly to you

Step Five:  When your checkout term for any physical items expires, you will return it to Gordon Library.

Step Six: Gordon Library will return the item(s) to the original lending library.

Note:  Like the online ARKLink application, the Interlibrary Loan Form requires you to be logged into your Office 365 account through UACCM in order to complete and submit the form.