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BUS 2373: Supervisory Management

Purpose of this Guide

The primary purpose of this LibGuide is to provide some direction in selecting a "leadership book" to read.

As you may have guessed, leadership is a broad topic.  Leadership is something that can be found in virtually any field or subject.  Thus, the books listed below do NOT represent all the Gordon Library resources on "leadership."

Rather, the ten listed below were selected based on:

  1. the degree to which leadership-in-a-business-context seemed to be the focus of the book
  2. recency of publication

If you wish to read a different type of leadership book, reach out to your course instructor to determine what other options they might accept.

Also, you will notice that the vast majority of the books listed on this guide come from the same call number range (HD: Industries. Land. Labor).  If none of the books listed appeal to your (or if none are currently available for checkout), another good strategy might be to browse the HD range to see if there are any other leadership books you would enjoy reading.

Recent Leadership Books in Gordon Library